Expert Witness / Independent Psychological Reports


We can provide practitioners with a high level of skill, expertise and experience in carrying out psychological assessments to inform decision making within Family Law contexts, whether at the pre-proceedings stage, within Family Court proceedings or to assist Local Authorities with post court care planning.  We are able to conduct bespoke fit for purpose assessments, produce formal reports and provide oral evidence relating to a range of relevant issues including:

  • Parenting capacity – including the impact of issues such as learning disability, mental health issues, substance misuse
  • Parenting / relationship difficulties
  • Attachment assessments
  • Children’s emotional and psychological needs and functioning
  • Family functioning and dynamics
  • Assessment of risk
  • The impact of domestic violence and abuse (including sexual, emotional and physical)

We also offer specific assessment packages

  • Assessment of cognitive functioning – covering a range of areas such as verbal and non-verbal skills, memory, speed of processing and adaptive skills
  • Assessments of Mental Capacity – covering a range of areas including capacity to conduct legal proceedings and to instruct a Solicitor in family cases, financial affairs and capacity to enter into sexual relationships

With these specific assessments, we offer an efficient service; a detailed report will be provided within two weeks of the assessment and in the event that the client is assessed as not having capacity a Certificate can be provided within two working days.

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