About Us

Passionate about mental health. Learn something new and grow your skills

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.


The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.

Therapeutic Intervention

Depending on the nature of the presenting difficulty, a range of therapies are drawn upon to specifically tailor therapy to…

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Expert Witness / Independent Psychological Reports

We can provide practitioners with a high level of skill, expertise and experience in carrying out psychological assessments to inform…

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Psychological Assessments and Interventions

We provide a range of specialist psychological assessments to help make sense of the difficulties someone might be experiencing and…

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Consultation & Liaison

We recognise that, at times, direct intervention or assessment is not appropriate or required however staff, other services, or people…

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Clinical Supervision

Our practitioners have a vast amount of experience and expertise in the field and are therefore able and eager to…

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Training, Workshops & Webinars

As a team of experienced and skilled clinicians we are also able to provide training programmes, whether these be a…

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The use of data and insights to inform our programs, coupled with our in-depth understanding of learning principles, human behavior, and what it takes to effect change in individuals, groups, and organizations, mark psychologists apart.


 6 Days A Week From : 8.00 Am To 5.30 Pm

What Sets us Apart From Other Consultants?
Fully Registered
Experienced Team
Assorted Services

Our team of Counsellors, Clinical & Registered Psychologists, Career Coaches, Facilitators, Psychotherapists, Sexologists and Social Workers are all registered, qualified, and licensed with their applicable governing body, practising ethically and meeting all professional standards.

Our clinicians use evidence-based practices, solution focused interventions, and tools proven to drive change and meaningful growth in people’s lives.


Our EAP services, workshops and counselling sessions are available Zimbabwe wide to all corporations, businesses, individuals, families, and groups. If you need help, all you need to do is reach out to us!