Psychological Assessments

Psychological Assessments

Child Assessments Identity Consultancy

Psychological assessments are designed to measure and observe a client’s behavior, thoughts, and emotions to arrive at a diagnosis and guide treatment. We carry out the following psychological assessments at Identity Consultancy using the highly sophisticated and standardized assessment tools.


The underlying cause of a person’s problems isn’t always clear. Psychologists administer tests and assessments for a wide variety of reasons. Certain assessments are aids to clarify the diagnosis and to find out the severity of the condition.

We have tests to evaluate whether clients are experiencing emotional disorders such as anxiety or depression. We also have the tests to identify the presence and severity of conditions like mental subnormality, Autism, ADHD etc.

Some of the standardized assessment tools available with us are
  • Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2) is an observational assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). It is a semi-structured, standardized assessment of communication, social interaction, play, and restricted and repetitive behaviors. It can be used to evaluate almost anyone suspected of having Autism Spectrum Disorders —from 1-year-old with no speech to adults who are verbally fluent.
  • Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) provides both Self-Report and Observer Report Forms, permitting multimodal assessment of adults with attention problems.
  • Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale – 3thd edition (Conners -3) is an assessment tool used to obtain better understanding about the behavioral, social, and academic issues in children. This instrument is designed to assess Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its most common co-morbid problems in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years old.
  • Developmental Profile – 3 (DP™-3) assesses five key areas of children’s functioning—adaptive behavior, social-emotional, cognitive, communication, and physical. The DP-3 was developed to evaluate children from birth through 12 years of age.
  • Gilliam Autism Rating Scale – 3thd edition (GARS-3) assists clinicians in identifying and diagnosing autism in individuals aged 3 through 22 and in estimating the severity of the disorder
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children – 5th edition (WISC-V) is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16 inclusive that can be completed without reading or writing. The WISC is used not only as an intelligence test, but as a clinical tool. Some practitioners use the WISC as part of an assessment to diagnose attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities.

Children who are experiencing difficulty in school may need to undergo aptitude testing or tests for learning disabilities. Tests for skills such as dexterity, reaction time and memory can help a neuropsychologist diagnose conditions such as brain injuries or dementia.

For example, if a child is having trouble in school, does he or she have a reading problem such as dyslexia? An attention problem such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Difficulty with impulse control? Psychological tests and assessments allow a psychologist to understand the nature of the problem, and to figure out the best way to go about addressing it.

Some of the assessments tools used at Openminds for the School going children are:
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition (BASC™–3) iis a multidimensional system used to evaluate the behavior and self-perceptions of children and young adults ages 2 through 25 years. The BASC–3 components offer a comprehensive system for identifying, evaluating, monitoring, and remediating behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents.
  • Child Appreciation Test (CAT) is an individually administered projective personality test appropriate for children aged three to 10 years. The CAT is intended to measure the personality traits, attitudes, and psychodynamic processes evident in pre-pubertal children.
  • Child Appreciation Test-Human Figures (CAT-H) is a projective psychological test. It is a version of the CAT in which human beings replace animals in the pictures. Older children between the ages of seven and 10 years may feel that the animal pictures in the original version of the CAT are too childish for them. They may respond better to the pictures of human beings available in the Children’s Apperception Test-Human Figures (CAT-H).
  • Patte Noire Test (PN) is a personality test. This Thematic Apperception Test was designed for children aged 5 years and older. The answers are interpreted psychoanalytically to explore drive tendencies and the various defense mechanisms children adopt against these drives.
  • Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – third edition (Vineland – 3) is an individually-administered measure of adaptive behavior that is widely used to assess individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. All Vineland-3 forms aid in diagnosing and classifying intellectual and developmental disabilities and other disorders, such as autism and developmental delays.
  • The Wide Range Achievement Test Fifth Edition (WRAT5™) is a norm-referenced test that measures and monitors fundamental word reading, spelling and math skills and sentence comprehension for individuals ranging from kindergarten (age 5) through grade 12 and adulthood (ages 18-85+), and helps identify possible learning disabilities.

Stress is an inevitable part of any corporate life. In small quantities, stress is good; it can motivate you and help you become more productive. However, too much stress, or a strong response to stress can be harmful. Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious.


Our assessment and intervention programs for corporate are aimed at improving employee efficiency, skills and reducing employee stress. We offer assessments and intervention with all levels of employees of any organization to deal with psychological issues, resulting in increased profits for a medium- to big-sized organization. Here you get the opportunity to find the best solutions and overcome the everyday obstacles through scientifically advanced and evidence-based approaches provided by experienced experts.

Some of the assessments tools used at Identity Consultancy for corporates are
  • Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory – 2th edition (MMPI-2) is a personality test used to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology. It is appropriate for use with adults 18 and over.
  • Family Appreciation Test (FAT) is a projective psychological test. For ages six and older. The test has the goal of finding a compromise between family and individual assessment. It is known as the picture interpretation technique because it uses a standard series of pictures which the subject is asked to tell a story.
  • Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) is a projective psychological test. Its adherents assert that the TAT taps a subject’s unconscious to reveal repressed aspects of personality, motives and needs for achievement, power and intimacy, and problem solving abilities. It is known as the picture interpretation technique because it uses a standard series of pictures which the subject is asked to tell a story. Age Range: 5 years to adult.
  • Young Schema Questionnaires: (YSQ) assess Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS), which account for the dysfunctional beliefs in individuals with personality disorders or maladaptive personality traits.
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